I just received this letter from a friend of Sammy Spider. It made my day and hopefully it will brighten yours too.
As a school librarian at a Jewish Day School, I so enjoyed sharing your books with my students. Now retired, I am still enjoying your books, but now with my grandchildren. I thought you’d like what just occurred this week at a Simchat Torah celebration. My three year old grandson, who just happens to be named Joshua, received Sammy Spider’s First Simchat Torah from PJ Library. He loves all of his Sammy Spider books. On Monday night he went with his family to a Simchat Torah service/parade. At the end of the evening he was given an apple on a stick. My daughter tells me that he immediately said that it was just like the Sammy Spider story, when Sammy got stuck to Joshua’s apple, and ended up in the parade!
PS. I have been looking all over for a place to purchase a Sammy Spider plush toy for Joshy, but with no success. Are they no longer being made? Any information that you can pass along would be greatly appreciated, as he’d treasure it.
PS. I want to add my own PS by saying that I too miss the plush toy. When my newest grandchild was born, I didn’t have nor could I find a Sammy Spider puppet anywhere. Every on line store said “out of stock” and every local Jewish store I went to said “they were sold out”. Hopefully my friends at KarBen will reconsider and bring him back because I think that each new generation of Jewish children loves Sammy Spider “all over again for the first time”.