But You Promised…How YOU Can Stay Clear of the “I Promise” Trap

…children are sticklers when it comes to promises—your word is your bond. To break a promise is to break trust with a child. Here are some common promises to children that are made (and broken), and tips for how to steer clear of them.


The Promise: “I promise that you will soon be able to go back to school and play with your friends.”

The Fix: As much as we would like the “pandemic” to be over so that we can resume our normal lives, the future is uncertain and it may take a long time—probably a year or more. Children should be reassured that we are taking precautions while we wait for the scientists and doctors to find a cure. Try putting the future into a time frame that a child can understand by saying something like, “The doctors are working very hard to make sure we are safe. It will take a long time. It’s like waiting for your birthday each year. Until then, we will wear our masks, wash our hands, and stay apart from people who don’t live in our house. But we can visit with our family and friends by using facetime, phone calls and ‘drive-bys’”.

To read the full article by Sylvia Rouss and Shannan Rouss which appeared in Nanny Magazine, CLICK HERE.