BEA 2013: Spotlight On Children: Marking Memorable Milestones A handful of children’s publishers have arrived at Book Expo of America eager to announce and celebrate anniversaries of books, characters, or imprints. The Reluctant Dragon; Lafcadio, The Lion Who Shot Back; Sammy the Spider; and Harry Potter all reach milestones in…
Read MoreHappy 20th Birthday, Sammy Spider.
Sammy Spider and the Shapiro family have been teaching children about Jewish holidays and values for 20 years! Josh Shapiro is a kind, smart Jewish boy who lives with his mother and father. Though he may not realize it, he lives with Sammy Spider, too. A bit precocious, Sammy is…
Read MoreFriends of Sammy Spider
With two of my special friends who spent a day with Sammy Spider at the Community Party in Orange County, California last month. Sponsored by the Jewish Federation, the Tarbut V’Torah Community Day School, and PJ Library.
Read More“Two” Young for School?
I am aware that there is an ongoing debate about the wisdom of having two year old children in a nursery school drop off program. I looked on line to see if there have been any conclusive studies done that would lend credence to either side of the debate. While…
Read More“Sammy Spider’s New Friend” is a sweetly spun tale
By now, young fans of the Sammy Spider series are well acquainted with the formula that makes these warm, sweetly spun tales so endearing. Whether discovering the true meaning of the Jewish holidays or, as in his latest adventure, observing the Shapiro family bake a cake to welcome their new…
Read MoreQuill says: If you want an excellent way to begin your child’s religious education, Sammy Spider would love to help you!
Another wonderful review of Sammy Spider’s New Friend from Feathered Quill Book Reviews Sammy Spider watched as Josh Shapiro helped his mother mix up a batter. Sammy peered at the sugar, flour, and milk on the shelf behind Josh and asked his own mother what they were doing. It was…
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