“Simon Says?”

As a Jewish educator, I have the obligation and privilege to teach the next generation of Jews. I am a firm believer that Jewish children are, not just Jewish on the holidays and Shabbat, but are Jewish every day. Yesterday the children reconfirmed my belief. I was asking them to…

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Outstanding Jewish Educator Award

My Acceptance Speech of the Lainer Outstanding Jewish Educator Award by the BJE and Lainer Family Foundation: My commitment to Jewish education began with my own children when I was determined to create a Jewish home environment where we observed Shabbat and the holidays. Over 30 years ago, about this…

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How Do Children Learn?

It has been said that children learn more during their preschool years than they will ever learn during all the years they spend in college. Research in early childhood development shows that young children learn through active use of their senses as they explore their environment. There is no way…

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Thoughts as the school year ends

I have visited preschools throughout the country, in synagogues and JCC’s. I am struck by the fact that often as I enter a classroom I cannot tell if it is a Jewish classroom or its secular counterpart. One school I visited had a small cardboard shoebox that held some Shabbat…

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